Facts & Stats

  • After the age of 65, 6 out of 10 visits a person will make to a hospital emergency room are a result of a fall in or around the home. (Consumer Product Safety Council)
  • 30% of all people over the age of 65 fall each year. (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons)
  • 50% of older adults hospitalized with a hip fracture are unable to return home or live independently again. (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons)
  • Over 60% of prescribed medication in the U.S. is not taken as directed. (American Medical Association)
  • 25% of all hospital and nursing home admissions by seniors (persons 65 years of age or older) each year is due to their failure to take their prescription medications as directed. (American Medical Association)
  • Failure to properly take prescribed medication is the number one reason for hospital readmissions. (American Medical Association)
  • Subscribers of Medical Emergency Response Systems, like MedStar, have fewer hospital admission and shorter stays after they subscribe. This allows them to live independently longer. (study by the New England Journal of Medicine)
  • The mortality rate is 5 times higher for people who lay incapacitated for 12 hours versus those that get immediate help. (study by the New England Journal of Medicine)
  • “For elderly people who live alone, becoming incapacitated and unable to get help is the common event which usually marks their inability to live independently.” (New England Journal of Medicine)

40% of all falls are preventable!

10 Steps to Avoid Falling

  1. Be aware of your surroundings.
  2. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy, and stay hydrated.
  3. Simplify your environment. Get rid of anything that can make you trip and fall. Arrange your furniture so you have a clear pathway between rooms.
  4. Remove floor hazards such as area rugs, extension cords, and anything else that could be an obstacle.
  5. Make sure you have 36 to 42 inches clearance in your walking path.
  6. Hold on to steady furniture if you are unsteady on your feet.
  7. Pay attention. 45% of all household injuries take place in the bathroom and 20% in the kitchen. Equip these areas with grab bars near sinks, toilets, and showers. Also, wear safe footwear with rubber soles.
  8. Exercise to improve balance, movement, and muscle tone.
  9. Keep your home well lit. Illuminate hallways and rooms. Keep a flashlight handy at all times in case the power fails.
  10. Take medications as directed and report any side affects to your doctor as improper use of medication is a major cause of falls and fall related injuries.

10 Simple Steps to Improve Medication COMPLIANCE

Call your pharmacist or physician if you have any concerns about any of your medications.
Order your medication renewals/refills well in advance – don’t wait until the weekend or until you have just swallowed your last tablet.
Make your medication regimen fit into your lifestyle, not the other way around. Associate taking your medication with something you regularly do every day, e.g. brushing your teeth, sitting down to meals.
Plan your medication times by using a daily planner, e.g. a pill organizer.
Learn to never leave home without an up-to-date medication list. After all, you wouldn’t consider going to the bank without your bank passbook.
Inform your pharmacist or physician of any issues or concerns you may have regarding side effects, etc.
Ask your physician before you stop or change your medication.
Never stop a medication abruptly. Always consult with a pharmacist or physician first.
Clarify with your pharmacist which over-the-counter (non-prescription) or herbal medications are safe to mix with your prescription medications.
Explanations from your physician, on a regular basis, about the ongoing need for each medication are very important.

The American Medical Association has reported that 25% of all hospital and nursing home admissions by seniors (persons 65 years of age and older) each year due to their failure to take their prescription medications as directed.

10 Crucial Tips You Need to Know When Choosing a Medical Alert System

  1. Don’t choose a medical alert system based on the lowest price. Reputable providers cannot offer you proper medical alert service below market rates. With that said, don’t choose a provider based on a recognizable name or celebrity endorsement. Do your research.
  2. Know the cancellation policy. If you are confused, make sure to call a representative for further explanation. You never know when you may no longer need your medical alert service. Find out what your obligations are; ask if there are any cancellation fees, including return shipping on your console.
  3. Understand all the terms and conditions of your agreement.
  4. Read the customer testimonials.
  5. Ask about the training process for customer care specialists. Our specialists are given several weeks of extensive training coupled with ongoing training to ensure they are up to date with the latest information and industry knowledge.
  6. Most medical monitoring services have limited hours; make sure the Medical Alert System you choose has a monitoring service that is available 24/7.
  7. Ask how long they’ve been in business. Experience is crucial.
  8. Make sure your Medical Alert System includes replacement & repair service.
  9. Is the monitoring center UL listed? Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed is the recognized standard for all monitoring centers. The UL listing is a sign that the facility continues to meet the high standards of UL. If the monitoring center is not UL listed, you should strongly consider not going with them.
  10. Make sure your Medical Alert System test itself. This is one of the most important functions you have to check. Our console sends a silent signal to the monitoring facility, reporting that your system is connected and functioning properly.




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